Scott Wallis

Secret Corruption
Book detailing corruption in the American legal system and how it affects every American

Scott Wallis is writing an exposé on abuses and corruption in the legal system in the tradition of investigative journalists and social reformers such as Ida Tarbell, Woodward and Bernstein, Susan B. Anthony, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr. and many others.
Kingdom Yearly Economic Summit, Convener

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In 2011, I made some startling predictions in my book, Secret Corruption. One of the predictions was, within 5 to 7 years, America was on the precipice of a new revolution. I predicted that we, as a nation, were on the road to hell. I said 

The stop-gap measure put in place by the Founding Father has been activated. Secret Corruption, pg. 59.

What caused me to say that? Before writing my book, I had been involved in 100+ lawsuits before numerous state and federal courts. The reason for those lawsuits was the bankrupting of USA Baby, Inc. ("USA Baby") by USA Baby's franchisees who collectively acted to stop paying royalties via a royalty strike. That action was taken at the behest of USA Baby's former owner: He wanted both the money paid for the company and the company. And he was willing to use any means necessary to fulfill his objective. What he used was the legal system. 

Regarding our legal system, I was very naive. Although I had watched legal programs on television and realized that there could be corruption in our courts, I didn't realize how deep that corruption actually went. I didn't realize that "the court system had become a crapshoot." Secret Corruption, pg. 61. Instead, I believed that justice could be found in our legal system. I trusted the legal process. I was wrong. What I discovered is that the law rarely matters in legal cases. Instead, judgments are made based on flawed human beings who often use flawed reasoning to reach their flawed opinions. We have courts of flaw not courts of law.

Welcome to America's new religion, and meet its Pharisees and Sadducees, judges and attorneys.

Although the appearance of integrity remains prominent, the reality of integrity is absent. Why? Because there is no requirement for integrity. Instead, lies pervade legal cases. Truth is absent. And lawyers are rewarded for lying to courts by winning their cases through those lies. Moreover, judges, also attorneys, have a self-interest in the allowance of these lies, relative peace within the brotherhood of attorneys. John Fitzgerald Malloy describes that brotherhood in his book, The Fraternity. That book describes the descent of our legal system, from an insider's perspective, into the abyss of corruption and greed. Malloy served as a judge on the Superior Court bench and as Chief Justice to Court of Appeals for the State of Arizona, and he wrote the first Miranda decision for the Arizona Supreme Court.

What happened? I believe judges and attorneys have lost sight of what their position in society is designed to bring - peace. Instead, greed has clouded their vision and the law, which was designed to be used as a shield, has become a sword. The money motive has become the defining characteristic of the legal system. Lawyers are rewarded by a legal system that encourages obscene fees for shoddy work. No guarantee is offered. The law is not set in stone. Rather, it can change at any time for any reason before any judge at their whim. When you have a system that rewards that kind of instability, it becomes a breeding ground for corruption. And that's what we have.

The cornerstones of that corruption are rooted in a partial judiciary that caters to the highest wallet. It costs a significant amount of money to hire attorneys, even for small matters. Then, other attorneys are rewarded for dragging cases out as much as they can. Then, clerks and courts are rewarded for drawing cases out as long as they can to increase the size of the fees paid. Further, absolute immunity protects judges from any acts committed while they are on the bench. So, if wrong decisions are made, there is limited recourse - for a price. That means judges have absolute impunity for the decisions they make. 

Absolute immunity with near-absolute impunity leads to absolute power (at least in the minds of many judges). 

And if judges have a self-interest in a legal system that benefits them by currying favor among attorneys, that is a system ripe for corruption. That lack of accountability has led to a myriad of issues, including the raising of medical prices, the obfuscation of truth by media organizations, and rampant self-help, lawlessness, by the only means available to common people against that behemoth. That is where our nation is. And it must change. Or it will bring destruction to our nation.

When did this corruption begin? That is the question. We must understand the roots of the corruption that exists or we will never be able to overcome it. We have already seen that the 11th Amendment has been used as a pretext to deny Americans what we had at our founding - sovereignty. That sovereignty was a defining issue amongst the people at the beginning of our nation. For America to be restored to greatness, we must recover what we lost - sovereignty. Why is that? Because with sovereignty comes personal responsibility. We are called to govern ourselves, first; then, if others fail to accept their personal responsibility for self-governing, we have the right to govern collectively (within limits). Those limits are defined by state and federal Constitutions. That is our Constitutional Republic.

Today, we have lost our Republic. Judges have become the arbiters of justices, which is self- designated. And their absolute immunity and impunity is also self designated.

In America, justice is only available to those who have legal representation. That representation has become out of reach for most Americans. And when regular people try to represent themselves in a rigged legal system, they face a partial judiciary that benefits from the decisions made amongst their peers. The question: How was such a perverse system created? That is what I will detail in this post. 

The removal of the collective understanding of our sovereignty amongst Americans, that existed at the time of our founding, by the judicial misinterpretation and reinterpretation of the 11th Amendment has led to a system that is easily controlled by the new arbiters of justice - judges. Further, the self-interest associated with judgeship amongst attorneys has led to a creed of greed. Greed, not God, rules in our courts. That is a problem.

In my new book, Breaking the Spell Over America, which will be published shortly, I described key moments where the corruption of America's legal system took place. Besides the obfuscation of our sovereignty, as stated, the corruption of the judicial process by the changes (albeit unconstitutional changes) in that process. When was our judicial process changed? In 1934, Congress passed an act called "The Rules Enabling Act". What did that Act authorize? It authorized the Supreme Court to legislatively write its own rules. But, did Congress have the authority to do that? Further, wasn't a Constitutional Amendment necessary to change the "due process" that existed? Yes.

From the Rules Enabling Act, came the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in 1938, then the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure came in 1946. Since then, the Supreme Court has created what it calls "The Judicial Conference of the United States". But does the Supreme Court have the Constitutional authority to act legislatively? Can Congress authorize the Supreme Court to act legislatively? Doesn't such a significant change in our due process require a Constitutional amendment? One would think so. But that didn't happen. Instead, a patchwork system of committees was created to govern America's courts (federal). Is that Constitutional?

No. The Constitution never authorized such a mechanism to exist. 

Instead, Congress acted to create something it was not authorized to create. Rather than confront such an obvious error in America's Constitutional system, the Supreme Court authorized it because it granted them legislative power. Whether Courts should have such legislative power is subject to reasonable dispute. Whether that power should have been given to Courts should have been determined by the people through the process that existed to change the due process that existed - A Constitutional Amendment. Yet that didn't happen. 

That is how the Supreme Court began operating in a legislative role rather than a judicial one. Then, lower courts, following the example of the Supreme Court, began writing their own rules. Now, each judge decides what rules exist in their own courts. What happened at the federal level was adopted by numerous states. Today, most states operate under a similar system (that likely happens in violation of their own state constitutions). That is the second leg amongst the pillars of corruption that have caused the corruption of America's Republic

In my next post on this subject, I will discuss the third pillar that has resulted in the corruption of America's Republic.

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